Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions exercise

In this article we will talk about prepositions in detail.

Preposition exercise: 

Before heading to the exercise of Prepositions, We shall know;

What are prepositions?

Ans: Prepositions are a set of words that are used in the English language. These words show the relationship between the subject and the object of a sentence. Prepositions show time, location, cause, direction, possession, etc.
Example: My interview is scheduled On 25th May.  
In the above example, The preposition ''ON" shows time.
Today I will not attend the meeting because I am not feeling well.
In the second example, "BECAUSE" shows cause.

Types of prepositions?

There are mainly four types of prepositions viz;
  • Simple Prepositions: Example; in, at, of, on, from, with, between, because, by, beyond, etc.
  • Double Prepositions: Example; onto, within, in between, from within, etc.
  • Compound Prepositions: Example; in the middle of, On behalf of, in addition to, etc.
  • Participle Prepositions: Example; regarding, including, during, concerning, etc.
  • Phrasal Prepositions: Example; in the beginning, on the ground, with respect, with anger, with regard to, out of hand, etc.
In this article, we have compiled all important preposition questions which may be asked in your exam. Go through all the below questions thoroughly. 

Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions exercise:

1. I am reading ____ class 12th.
a. On.
b. From.
C. In.
2. I am _______ India.
a. In.
b. From.
C. On.
3. The glass is _____ the table.
a. On.
b. Under.
C. Up.
4. I am very fond _____ Ancient Books.
a. In.
b. From.
C. Of
5. He laughed_____ him.
a. On.
b. For.
C. At.
6. Jack boasted ____his accomplishments.
a. For
b. On.
C. Of
7. The girl_____red hair.
a. Of.
b. With.
C. Off.
8. Did you saw Rohit ______ the School?
a. In.
b. At.
C. From.
9. Have you ever been ____ Ladakh?
a. In.
b. For.
C. To.
10. This book is ____ your understanding.
a. Beyond.
b. From.
C. Under.
11. I am tired ____ reading.
a. Of.
b. From.
C. Against.
12. I came here ____ bus.
a. By.
b. With.
C. Of.
13. She slept _____ noon.
a. Till.
b. For.
C. Under.
14. We traveled _____ my friend's car.
a. By.
B. In.
C. On.
15.  I have been working here ____ 2013.
a. For.
b. From
C. Since.
16. I am doing Graduation ____ Delhi University.
a. On.
b. By.
c. At.
17. We are living in Punjab____2013.
a. For.
b. Since.
c. From.
18. Out of curiosity, she jumped ____the river.
a. In.
b. Into.
C. On.
19. My brother, Aslam was born ___ February.
a. In.
b. On.
c. At.
20. They are playing____ a tree.
a. Under.
b. On.
c. In.
Thank you for reading.
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