On Time or In Time ? Which one is correct?

On Time or In Time  

Are these "In Time, On Time" phrases perplexing you? 🧐

In time or on time

In this article, I will clear your confusion.
Let us begin.
So, let us first know the use of ON TIME.


When something is supposed to happen or happened at a particular time, we use ON TIME

  • We reached the school on time.
  • Our class was taken on time.
  • Brother, take your lunch on time.
  • My sister always goes to school on time (which means she is punctual)
  • My English teacher never takes our classes on time.
  • Don't worry, I will transfer you money on time.
  • I don't think, my friend, Rohit will complete his school assignment on time.
  • Tomorrow is your offline class, please, reach on time.


We use IN TIME when we mean something happened just before it was too late. 
Still not cleared? 🙄
OKAY, Let's understand it with the help of examples.

  • She was rushed to the hospital in time. (If she had not been rushed to the hospital in time, she might have died.)
  • I reached the examination hall in time. ( Had not I reached there in time, I would have not been allowed to sit in the examination hall.''
  • There was a huge traffic jam but I reached the airport in time. ( If I had not reached the airport in time, I would have missed the flight.)
More Examples of In Time
  • I missed my Shimla trip because I was not able to send my application form in time.
  • She got sick but reached home in time.
  • He wants to wake up in time because he has to go for tuition.
More Examples of On Time
  • I will reach the hotel soon, Please, be on time.
  • I will take your class tests on time.
  • Principal Madam never reaches the college on time.

Hope, You guys can now use the phrases correctly. If you find any typos, do let me know. Do share the post with your loved ones, SHARE MEANS CARE. See you in the next post. Take care, bye-bye. 😍

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